
What do you want to know?

I’m a thirty-something (still in denial about the number) mother of four (really can’t take credit for how awesome they are) children and proud wife of David (to know him is to love him). We live in the Dallas area, the best place to live in the country. I know, because I’ve been all over.

I am one of those weird homeschool graduates and am homeschooling my children. They are surviving so far. My oldest is in high school and my youngest is in lower elementary. I think this is the best stage of motherhood.

I drink a lot of coffee, read a lot of books, write regularly, and eat gluten-free vegan cupcakes as often as possible (diagnosed gluten and dairy intolerant).  If you saw my kitchen, you would think I have a serious addiction to Fiesta dishes. I don’t practice my violin and piano as often as I should, I don’t clean the house like Martha Stewart, and I don’t sew or bake or grow things.

Here’s the professional way of saying that:

Lea Ann Garfias is a homeschool graduate and homeschool mom. A freelance writer and columnist for over five years, Lea Ann writes regularly for a major marketing firm in Dallas as well as print and online publications across the country. Lea Ann uses her nearly two decades of ministerial and business management experience to mentor women in leadership. She lives a very ordinary life with a near-perfect husband and four awesome children in a Dallas suburb.

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